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Wild Blueberries

Health Benefits of Wild Blueberries

Wild Blueberries also known as Lowbush Blueberries are sweet, tangy, amazingly popular and extremely nutritious. Labeled as a super-food they are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
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 Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Consume Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar

As you all are well aware of the qualities of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, the very first question that must have crossed your mind must be how to consume it? 
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Wheatgrass: Everything You Need to Know About the ‘Liquid Gold’

Wheatgrass, the young green grass of the wheat plant before the seeds develop, is quite popular these days for its nutritional value. 
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Flax (Alsi) Seeds

Flax (Alsi) Seeds: The Healthy Indian’s Choice

Flax (Alsi) Seeds: The Healthy Indian’s Choice

Staying fit and healthy is one of the many positive trends that our country has seen in the past decade or so. Today, it is heartwarming to see people involved in various forms of exercising like weight-lifting, running, jogging, yoga etc. And with the rise of online platforms selling organic and natural food, the emphasis on a healthy diet had never been this strong.

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Chia Seeds

Diabetes and Chia Seeds

Diabetic? Add Chia Seeds to Your Diet

The term diabetes is the condensed version of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes is a Greek word which means siphon (to pass through) and mellitus, a Latin word which means sweet. Hence, the name is perfectly in line with the diseased condition; a diabetic person has excess sugar both in the blood and the urine.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: Surprising Benefits and Facts

From merely being your grandma’s secret remedy to cure a number of health problems, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has definitely come a long way. With its earliest known use dating back more than 1000 years, the usage of this vinegar is on the rise as more and more health experts are coming out in support of its health benefits.

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Live organic

The age of Organic has arrived

There was a time (not too long back) when it used to be relegated somewhere on the back shelves on the supermarket counter. Today, if you are the health conscious kind, chances are you’ll reach for it first. So will, perhaps, your neighbour, your boss, and that cute kid on the block.
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